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ZiMo23 Interview: Armanda Haller

This is a project I've been looking forward to. Armanda Haller is raising funds for the cleverly named Grandmothership. This is one of the projects using Crowdfundr, and is running through February 24th.

Q: Easy question first: Give us the elevator pitch of your project. Tell us about it in two sentences or less.

A: GRANDMOTHERSHIP is a TTRPG for 2-4 players and 1 GM about space, horror, and senior ladies piecing together a mystery and without physical confrontation. Get in trouble, crochet a new scarf, go ballroom dancing, and find solutions where everyone else has failed. It's a game designed to be played as one-shot sessions inspired by Honey Heist, Brindlewood Bay, and Mothership, taking some tools and vibes from all those games.

Q: Is this your first ZineMonth project or have you done it before? If it's your first, talk a bit about what inspired you to give it a shot this year. If you've done it before, what's something you've learned from previous crowdfunding projects that you may be doing differently this time, or, if you're not doing anything differently, talk a bit about your previous projects.

A: It is! I decided to do this because there's more availability in terms of platforms to support our games. I'm from the Global South, and traditional tools for us were not available to be used, complicated, or they were expensive. This year with Crowdfundr being there and partnering with ZiMo, it was much more accessible. This is my first time being able to crowdfund a project I make so I'm nervous and happy simultaneously. I've used itchfunding in the past, but that's something we, the creators, have built in some way to sort out a need that the community has, it needs to be built to be sustainable. So finding a platform that can work with more of us it feels like a thing to behold and support, in my opinion. I'm thrilled, and I hope to learn a lot from this process.

Q: Finally, tell us something about your current project that really excites you but the average backer may not be aware of. Maybe a twist to an old trope, a new way of presenting something, or maybe just something you've never tried before that you're using this as an opportunity to try out.

A: To be honest, the thing I'm most excited about is being able to do a game that could imply a certain amount of violence but that has no way to support it directly through its rules. The game is about senior ladies in space, doing dangerous things and solving mysteries, but it would be weird if they were fighting aliens, so they have their classes, their loadouts, but nothing in there has HP, for example. So the game goes to a much more narrative road. Still, you have something that you can work out, a creative GM can build whatever with the simple rules found in the game. And also, Plus One Exp will be helping me out with fulfillment, so this will be my first project that is printed and delivered worldwide. Having the possibility to print our projects is another thing that makes a lot of difference for crowdfunding campaigns. Also, getting to work with a lot of people I admire it's something I love! Not being able to crowdfund projects before turns you into a jack of all trades, and you learn to do stuff on your own cause it's the only way to make your projects real. But now, I'm working with a lot of cool people I always wanted to work with: Jean Verne for the layout, and I have commissioned an awesome cover art to Ewerton Lua, as well as black and white interior art pieces to Lucas Rolim, I have invited writers such as Amanda P, Andrew Boyd, Kyle Tam, and Dana Pena, Hipólita will do the editing, and hopefully, we get to do a fantastic character sheet that Sin Posadas will design. It's a serious project, and I put together a wonderful team. And, last but not least, I hope we reach to the end of the stretch goals cause if that's the case, I'm doing a solo version of the game! Which is something I look forward.

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