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43 AD-Invasion & Insurrection-Roleplaying in Roman Britain

43 AD-Invasion & Insurrection-Roleplaying in Roman Britain

Used,Softcover, Great Condition



Ex quocumque facere poteris te sauciabit, nihilo comprehenso.....
Anything you do can get you killed, including nothing.......



43AD is a gritty military-style game with a slice of dark horror running through it. Life is grim and the world of the native Britons is painted in dark and horrific colours. Britain is a place of fear and death, terrors and torments, and the Iron-Age tribes live with these horrors. Celtic priests, the druids, contain them in lakes and pits and forests. When the legions step onto British soil, they step onto a land of ancient horrors of which they (as yet) know nothing. Life, honour and warfare amongst the tribes is explained for players and GMs alike.  

Characters are Roman soldiers, fighting for the emperor in a hostile land against the battle-hardened warriors of the tribes. This is the visible enemy, but beyond, should the Game Master wish to go there, lay the dark secrets of Britain, the night terrors, the death-bringing spirits of the wild, the night crawlers, the face eaters, the skinchangers and the rest of the monsters and wild things that infest Britain. 

Using fast and gory rules from the tried and test web-game Zenobia, 43AD powers along at a pace. All rolls are made on d6, with the exception of a d100 being used in character creation. 


  • 9 maps of Roman Britain
  • Examples of both play and character creation
  • 31 adventure seeds
  • Pregenerated squad of Roman soldiers
  • Complete list of useful NPCs
  • GM guide to running Roman military games
  • Fully mapped starting location and base area
  • Spells
  • Monsters
  • Cultural information on Romans and Britons
  • Character write-ups that fit on a single index card
  • 10 minute character creation

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