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Bizarre Goos

Bizarre Goos

This is a 4.1 x 5.8 tiny saddle-stitched book. Purchase includes the pdf.


Use the d66 slimes, sludges, gunges, and goos presented in this booklet to throw more danger at the adventurers. These various hzards are presented with minimal information, each designed more as a source of inspiration than as a definitive and unchangeable ooze-like creature. 


Where game statistics are listed, they are intended solely as a starting point for the gamemaster’s imagination.


You will need to exercise your own judgment when introducing these hazards in a campaign. Some of the detailed slimes are destructive and a handful could lead to the demise of the heroes. (Not that this is necessarily a bad thing, but the GM should be aware that the threat of TPK does exist within these pages.)

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