Rolemaster Companion III (#1700)
Softcover,fine condition, slight damage on edges
Rolemaster Companion III has something for all Rolemaster campaigns: from low-level to Lord-level! Rolemaster Companion III includes:
21 Variant Professions: Bounty Hunter, Assassin, Bashkar, Duelist, Cavalier, Gypsy, Warrior, Magus Farmer, Sailor, Montebanc, Crafter, Noble Warrior, Sleuth, Chaotic Lord, Moon Mage, Macabre, Crystal Mage, Craftsman, Dream Lord, the Professional.
More than 40 new Spell Lists: base lists for the new professions, new Arcane lists, Arcane society lists, and other miscellaneous lists.
7 new Critical Tables: Acid, Depression, Physical Alteration, Plasma, Disruption, Stress and Shock.
4 new Spell Attack Tables.
Optional Rules: ritual magic, individual spell development, Arcane societies, and a variety of other topics.